Neural Circuits for Memory and Action

Institute for Biology, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg

We are investigating the neural circuit mechanisms that allow our memories to be transformed into action.

We are using…

In vivo Ca2+ imaging

Behavioural tracking

…to answer…

What are the dynamics of memory and action coding in the hippocampus?


How do hypothalamus and brainstem con-tribute to memory processing?

Circuit tracing

Engram labelling

Through which pathways are reward memories expressed into action?

Meet the Team

  • Dr. Oliver Barnstedt

    Principal Investigator

    Oliver received his MSc and DPhil at the University of Oxford where he investigated the neural circuit mechanisms of memory in Drosophila. As a postdoc at the DZNE Bonn and the LIN Magdeburg, he developed in vivo imaging methods in mice to understand projection-specific coding properties in memory circuits. In his spare time, he enjoys yoga, swimming, and reading sci-fi.

  • Melika Kashi Zenuzi

    Melika Kashi Zenuzi

    MSc Student

    Melika received her BSc in Psychology from Islamic Azad University in Tehran and currently pursues an MSc in Integrative Neuroscience from OVGU Magdeburg. She is interested in the neural circuits mediating emotional states and memories.

  • You?

    Barnstedt Lab is hiring! We have fully-funded postdoc, PhD, and research assistant positions available.

Selected Publications